This is the torso component of the NAG. I've altered the position of the life tanks and tried a more squarish chest plate. Aside from that, the overall design seems rather unchanged. I was also generous enough to label some special parts on the armor. This time I included an arm and a human head to give some sort of context on how it will appear to the wearer. As you'll notice, I didn't bother drawing legs. I think they were alright from the previous sketch so I didn't draw them again here. I'll probably include some side armor for the thighs, but that's about all that comes to mind for the lower half.
I'm still trying to discover which design suits me best so this is not a final rough draft, but I'm gettin there damnit! :P
I reiterate from my previous news post: I've come prepared with a BS explanation to make running, sprinting, and overall mobility sound reasonable with this new armor.
Anyways, enjoy! Plz, comments and constructive criticisms or suggestions only!
That's a what of the where again? Go to and watch the teaser trailer. There, you will see a marine being 'put' into his suit. Maybe it will help you?